Tuesday, 8 August 2017

SERIOUS WARNING FOR WOMEN!! Don’t Ever Eat This Part Of The Chicken! The Reason Shock You. TRUE LIFE STORY!

This is a real story which was sent by one of our followers with requested to stay anonymous. In fact, it is a warning to all people who frequently consume chicken wings.
A friend of mine recently had a growth in her womb and underwent surgery for a cyst removed. The cyst removed was filled with a dark colored blood.
She thought she would recover after the surgery, but she was very bad shape. He gave a relapse a few months after surgery. She went to her gynecologist for a consultation.During your consultation, the doctor asked a question that puzzled her. He asked if consumed frequently chicken wings and she replied yes, wondering how he knew of their eating habits.
According to many experts from all around the world chickens are injected with steroids in order to accelerate their growth so that the needs of the society can be met. This is truly the need for food
 At this point you need to know that these chickens are injected with steroids in the neck or in the wings, which means that in these parts of chickens are the highest concentration of the steroids.
Another thing you must know about these steroids is that they have terrible effects on the body. Namely they accelerate its growth. In addition you need to know that these steroids have even more dangerous effect on women.

These steroids can cause changes in your hormones and this situation can lead to women being more prone to cyst growth in the womb and the brea’sts.

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